Course Overview
Courses Offered
Statistical Genomics I (mandatory course)
Dates: 13.01.2025 – 16.01.2025
Instructor: Dr. Darina Czamara
Location: Room 310, MPI-P
Statistical Genomics II
Dates: 17.02.2025 – 19.02.2025
Instructor: Dr. Darina Czamara
Location: Room 310, MPI-P
ECTS: 1.5
Adobe Illustrator
Dates: 20.03.2025 – 21.03.2025
Instructor: Dr. Andreas Binder
Mandatory Courses
- Munich Psychiatry Lecture Series (MPLS)
- Internal Tuesday Seminar Series (ITSS)
- L2 Methods in Neurobiology
- L3 Clinical Aspects and Cases of Psychiatric Diseases
- Introduction to Statistics
- Statistical Genomics I
- Good Scientific Practice (GSP)
- Scientific Writing
- IMPRS-TP Retreats
- Active Conference Participation
Previous Courses
- Interactive Crash-Course "Electrophysiology”
- Introduction to Statistics (mandatory course)
- L2 Methods in Neurobiology (mandatory course)
- Scientific Writing (mandatory course)
- L3 Clinical Aspects and Cases of Psychiatric Diseases (mandatory course)
- Good Scientific Practice (mandatory course)
- Python for Bioinformatics (some Python experience is required)
- Python for Biologists (for beginners)
- Data Visualization with ggplot2
- Research Methodology
- Statistical Literacy (Mandatory)
- Current Issues in Research Methodology workshop
- Abstract and Poster Writing | Presentation skills | Proposal Writing | Scientific Writing
- Productive Research Software Development | Statistical Genomics | Statistical Literacy | Statistical Literacy 2022 | Agile Project Management | ecSeq Bioinformatics course | Data Analysis | Introduction to Scientific Programming with Python
- Productive Research Software Development
- MATLAB® Module 1-3
- MATLAB workshops 2023
- Mental Strategies for Doctoral Candidates | Conflict Management
- Job Application in and outside academia
- How to become famous
- R Statistics 2023
- Open Science 2023