Previous Faculty Publications
Below you will find a selection of research articles published by members of the IMPRS-TP faculty prior to 2022.
Kohl C, Wang XD, Grosse J, Fournier C, Harbich D, Westerholz S, Li JT, Bacq A, Sippel C, Hausch F, Sandi C, Schmidt MV. Hippocampal neuroligin-2 links early-life stress with impaired social recognition and increased aggression in adult mice. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2015 May;55:128-43.
Wagner KV, Hartmann J, Labermaier C, Häusl AS, Zhao G, Harbich D, Schmid B, Wang XD, Santarelli S, Kohl C, Gassen NC, Matosin N, Schieven M, Webhofer C, Turck CW, Lindemann L, Jaschke G, Wettstein JG, Rein T, Müller MB, Schmidt MV. Homer1/mGluR5 activity moderates vulnerability to chronic social stress. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2015 Mar 13;40(5):1222-33
Hartmann J, ..., Chen A, Joëls M, Deussing JM and Schmidt MV. Forebrain glutamatergic, but not GABAergic, neurons mediate anxiogenic effects of the glucocorticoid receptor.
Mol. Psych. adv. online pub. 31 May 2016; doi: 10.1038/mp.2016.87 OPEN ACCESS
Schmitt A, Turck C.W, Pilz PK, Malchow B, von Wilmsdorff M, Falkai P, Martins-de Souza D. Proteomic similarities between heterozygous reeler mice and schizophrenia. Biol Psychiatry 2013; 74 (6): e5-e10
Iwata K, Cafe-Mendes CC, Schmitt A, Manabe T, Matsuzaki H, Falkai P, Turck CW, Martins-de-Souza D. The human oligodendrocyte protein. Proteomics 2013 Dec; 13 (23-24):3548-3553
Kao PF, Banigan MG, Kozubek JA, Winslow AR, Medina J, Costa J, Schmitt A, Schneider A, Cabral H, Vanderburg CR, and Delalle I. Differential expression ofexosomal miRNAs in prefrontal cortices of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder patients. PLoSONE 2013; 8(1): e48814
Giaccone G, Arzberger T, Alafuzoff I, Al-Sarraj S, Budka H, Duyckaerts C, Falkai P, Ferrer I, Ironside JW, Kovacs GG, Parchi P, Patsouris E, Revesz T, Riederer P, Rozemuller A, Schmitt A, Winblad B, Kretzschmar H.; BrainNet Europe consortium. New lexicon and criteria for the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. Lancet Neurology 2011 Apr: 10(4): 298-299
Schmitt A, Steyskal C, Bernstein HG, Parlapani E, Schaeffer EL, Gattaz WF, Bogerts B, Schmitz C, Falkai P. Stereologic investigation of the posterior part of the hippocampus in schizophrenia. Acta Neuropathologica 2009 Apr: 117 (4): 395-407
Budde M, ..., Falkai P, Schulze TG & Heilbronner U. A longitudinal approach to biological psychiatric research: The PsyCourse study. Am J Med Genet Part B. 2019 Mar;180(2):89-102
Kalman JL, ..., Comes AL, ...., Schulze TG. Investigating polygenic burden in age at disease onset in bipolar disorder: Findings from an international multicentric study. Bipolar Disord. 2018; 0 0 :1–8 OPEN ACCESS
Ballnus B., … and Theis FJ.: Comprehensive benchmarking of Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for dynamical systems. BMC Systems Biology (07/2017) 11:63
Chlis, N.-K., Wolf, F., Theis, F.J.: Model-based branching point detection in single-cell data by K-Branches clustering. Bioinformatics, (June 05 2017)
Blasi, T. …and Theis, F.J.: cgCorrect: A method to correct for confounding cell-cell variation due to cell growth in single-cell transcriptomics.
Phys. Biol. 14:036001 (05/2017)
Buggenthin, F. , … Theis, F.J. and Marr, C.: Prospective identification of hematopoietic lineage choice by deep learning. Nat. Methods, (02/2017)
Park D, ... and Turck CW. Delineation of molecular pathway activities of the chronic antidepressant treatment response suggests important roles for glutamatergic and ubiquitin proteasome systems. Translational Psychiatry (2017) 7, e1078
Weckmann K, Labermaier C, Asara JM, Müller MB, Turck CW. Time-dependent metabolomic profiling of Ketamine drug action reveals hippocampal pathway alterations and biomarker candidates. Transl Psychiatry 2014 Nov 11: 4:e481.
He Y, Hogrefe CE, Grapov D, Palazoglu M, Fiehn O, Turck CW, Golub MS. Identifying individual differences of fluoxetine response in juvenile rhesus monkeys by metabolite profiling. Transl Psychiatry 2014 Nov 4; 4:e478.
Ditzen C, Tang N, Jastorff AM, Teplytska L, Yassouridis A, Maccarrone G, Uhr M, Bronisch T, Miller CA, Holsboer F, Turck CW. Cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers for major depression confirm relevance of associated pathophysiology.Neuropsychopharmacology 2012 Mar;37(4):1013-25
Webhofer C, Gormanns P, Tolstikov V, Zieglgänsberger W, Sillaber I, Holsboer F, Turck CW. Metabolite profiling of antidepressant drug action reveals novel drug targets beyond monoamine elevation. Transl Psychiatry 2011 Dec 13; 1: e58
Ditzen, C, Varadarajulu, J, Czibere, L, Gonik, M, Targosz, BS, Hambsch, B, Bettecken, T, Keßler MS, Frank, E, Bunck, M, Teplytska, L, Erhardt, A, Holsboer, F, Müller-Myhsok, B, Landgraf, R, Turck, CW. Proteomic-based genotyping in a mouse model of trait anxiety exposes disease-relevant pathways. Mol Psychiatry 2010 Jul; 15(7):702-711.