



Dr. Nadine Gogolla

Director, Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry
Max Planck Research Group Leader


Prof. Dr. Peter Falkai

Chairman, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, LMU Munich


Steering Committee

The steering committee decides on all of the important issues including the rules and regulations, the affiliation of new faculty members as well as developing the scientific program and the additional PhD curriculum. Decisions taken by the steering committee are subject to legal and budgetary requirements.

Dr. Nadine Gogolla

Director, Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry
Max Planck Research Group Leader

Prof. Dr. Peter Falkai

Chairman, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, LMU Munich

Prof. Dr. Dr. Elisabeth Binder

Director, Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry
Max Planck Research Group Leader


Faculty Members

All IMPRS‑TP faculty members actively participate in and contribute to the training and teaching of the doctoral students and participate in thesis advisory committees. All members of the faculty can make suggestions for the curriculum's development and can propose potential, new faculty members to the steering committee.


Student Speakers

On a yearly basis two to three student speakers are elected by the IMPRS-TP students. They represent the students’ interests and may submit proposals to the steering committee on activities that are to be carried out within the IMPRS-TP or supported thereby.


Coordination Office

The Coordination Office is responsible for the organizational handling of the IMPRS‑TP. It supports the spokesperson and the steering committee, organizes the general meetings as well as the PhD curriculum, symposia, workshops and selection procedures and supports the speakers of the students in organizing the student retreat. The Coordination Office monitors each student’s acquired credit points and collects the reports of Thesis Advisory Committee meetings. Further, the Coordination Office serves as the main contact for all students of the IMPRS‑TP regarding administrational questions.

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