Welcome to the IMPRS-TP


Host: Silvia Cappello Location: Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry

Manipulating stem cells to increase neuron numbers in the adult mammalian brain: from cells to behaviour

The goal of our laboratory is to control the expansion of neural stem cells (NSC) and the generation of neurons in the mammalian brain in order to understand the role of adult neurogenesis in brain function, behavior and therapy. [more]

Reconstructing human corticogenesis using single cell RNA-sequencing

MPI Psy Tuesday Seminar
Recent advances in the field of stem cell biology have made it possible to model human developmental processes in vitro. We combine stem cell based in vitro systems with single-cell transcriptomics analysis to reconstruct human organ development. In my talk I will present our efforts on reconstructing neurogenesis during two biological scenarios. [more]

Neural Stem and Progenitor Cells in Neocortex Development and Evolution

Munich Psychiatry Lecture Series | MPLS
t.b.a. [more]
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