At the foot of the second highest Mountain in the German Alps IMPRS-TP met for the second retreat. Second year students gave small talks about their project, while first year students presented their work during a poster session.more
The Life Science Graduate Program Network members have joined forces to host the key level event of Responsible Research. Invited experts in the field have shared their viewpoint regarding good scientific practice and data reproducibility.
A talk by Chris Frith from the Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, UCL, London, UK, as part of the Munich Psychiatry Lecture Series | May 23rd 2017
The 1st IMPRS-TP Retreat took place together with the 2nd Weizmann Institute of Science (WIS) and Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry (MPIP) retreat at the WIS, Rehovot, Israel 31.3-6.4 2017
The replication crisis has hit several scientific fields. The most systematic investigation has been done in psychology, which revealed replication rates less than 40% (Open Science Collaboration, 2015). However, the same problem has been well documented in other disciplines, for example preclinical cancer research or economics.more