L1 Fundamentals in Neuroscience: From Molecules to Brains
(4 hours /week, WT - Exam)
15.10.2018-18.02.2019 Bonhoeffer, Busse, Cappello, Grothe, Hübener, Kröger, Ninkovic, Wullimann
15.10.2018-18.02.2019 Bonhoeffer, Busse, Cappello, Grothe, Hübener, Kröger, Ninkovic, Wullimann
The lectures discuss neurons and glia, electronic potentials, ion channels, action potentials, synapses, transmitter systems, basic cellular networks, motor systems, learning and memory, general principles of sensory systems, animal orientation, echolocation, bird song, sex and the brain, walking and running, swimming.
Course Schedule:
- Mo 09:00-10:30 Biology, Großhad. Str. 2 (B) - B01.019
- Th 09:00-10:30 Biology, Großhad. Str. 2 (B) - B01.019 (! except 18.10.2018: 08:00-09:30 !)
- Mo 09:00-10:30 18.02.2019, Großhad. Str. 2 (B) - B01.019
Course Location: